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全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00

新學年新啟航! Welcome to a New School Year!

來源: 廣州斐特思公學      編輯:佚名


Welcome to a New School Year!


The new semester is nearly here, and everyone at Fettes College Guangzhou (FCG) has been busy getting ready! We look forward to meeting you soon, together with the rising sun over the mountains, the evening full of rosy clouds and the star-studded night sky.

在這個暑假,我們在Jeroen 校長和鄭雷校長的指導下,校園環境進行了全面升級與改造,充滿活力與實用性。與此同時,教師培訓、學習、教研工作已經有序開展。防疫和消毒等工作也在密鑼緊鼓地進行。

During this summer vacation, the campus environment has been comprehensively upgraded under the direction of Jeroen Gakes, Head of College(Expat), and Julie Zheng, Head of College (Chinese). The result is a campus full of vitality and practicality. Other preparations for the start of the semester include teacher training and important epidemic prevention and disinfection work.


Campus environmental upgrade


We have added a climbing wall in the sports hall so climbing will be available as a new sport this semester. Our public areas and enrichment facilities have exciting new displays, all contributing to making FCG a vibrant learning environment.



Improvement of teaching and co-curricular facilitiesFCG 的“黑匣子”和“劇院”已經為本學年即將上演的精彩劇目做好充分準備。我們將與外部專業機構合作,為學生提供更多在舞臺上展示自我的機會,每周課外活動都將推出英語戲劇課程,在老師的指導下,同學們還會花很長時間準備FCG一年一度的戲劇節。此外,一些著名的本地甚至全國性的戲劇比賽也計劃在FCG推出。通過戲劇,學生將變得更自信,更善于表達自己的感情,進而培養健全人格。

Our Black Box and Theatre have been fully prepared for the amazing performances we hope will happen this year. Collaborating with professional external providers, FCG will give students more opportunities to show themselves on the stage such as English Drama, which will be launched during Co-curricular Activities time every week. Under the guidance from teachers, students will also spend a long time to prepare FCG annual Drama Festival. Through Drama, our students will become more confident at expressing their feelings and contribute to a rounded personality.



We are excited to relaunch our PMP music training program this semester. Students can choose to learn piano, violin, cello or take other musical courses in their spare time. Our orchestra will be re-established with regular rehearsals and performances.


其他所有運動設施也已準備就緒,不乏高爾夫球館、棒球場、室內恒溫游泳池、 FIFA認證的足球場、 FIBA 認證的籃球場、壁球館等,更讓人興奮的莫過于新學期即將開始的馬術課程,這一項目深受家長和學生的青睞。

All of our other sports facilities are also ready for the students’ return, including our golf training centre, baseball courts, heated indoor swimming pool, FIFA-certified soccer field, FIBA-certified basketball court, dance studio and squash courts. We are very excited to be launching equestrian classes in the new term, which we expect to be very popular with students.



High-end technology to support teaching and learning

FCG在電子產品使用管理上張弛有度。為滿足學子們平日學習和查閱資料的需要,新學期的初高中教室都配備了多臺 iMac 蘋果一體機,小學是人手一臺Ipad,供學生學習使用。學生并非只有到計算機實驗室才能使用電腦。

FCG promotes a balanced use of electronic devices. In order to support students in their daily learning and research, middle and high school homeroom classrooms are each equipped with one iMac for each individual student. In addition, we have two computer rooms and each class has access to a bank of iPads in primary school. Teachers are responsible for managing the use of devices as appropriate.



Teacher training for life-long learning

FCG 倡導教師要終身學習,不斷自我提升。為此,由校長、科組長、教育部專家團組成的培訓隊伍,為教職工們提供了為期半個月的專業培訓,確保新學期教學工作的順利開展。

FCG advocates that teachers should lead by example and embody the principle of life-long learning. Teachers have benefited from a training programme delivered by the Heads of College, subject leaders and external experts.



Epidemic prevention work remains an ongoing priority

為了確保校內防疫安全,后勤隊已加強校內環境消毒工作,對校園重點場所、公共用具和空調通風系統進行了徹底清潔消毒。對戶外大型玩具、門把手、扶梯的扶手等高頻接觸物體表面進行預防性消毒。我們定期要求全員核酸,新生入學前必須做體檢,老生返校前需做 24 小時核酸檢驗。

The logistics team have cleaned the campus environment: all key locations and public facilities have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, as well as the conditioning ventilation system. High-touch surfaces such as outdoor toys, doorknobs and handrails are routinely disinfected. We require all staff to have a regular NAT. New students must have a physical examination before entering school, and returning students must have a 24-hour NAT before returning to school.



We wish all our students a positive start to the new semester and all the very best as they pursue their dreams.


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