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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 深圳瑞得福學校      編輯:佚名

Principal's Newsletter 11.5


Dear Students, Parents, Teachers, Staff, Board Members, Friends and All other Readers:


I would like to make a clarification regarding the layout of my weekly newsletter. While the three sections remain the same—Academics, Spotlight, and Week in Review—please know that the applicability of the section “Academics at RDFIS” goes beyond our school. This edition is no exception. In Part 1, the Academics Section, read about the harm that labels cause, not just to the one labelled but the one doing the labelling. While the harm certainly applies to designating academic levels—both positive and negative—the harm goes beyond academics to areas that, alas, come back to impact a student’s sense of academic self. Part 2 shines a light on the importance of the topics of health & fitness and how that was on full display at RDFIS’ annual Field Day. Finally, as always, Part 3 will give some idea of the week in pictures. So much happens at RDFIS in any given week that it is, in fact, impossible to do justice to conveying all our students achieve. Know that this is only a snapshot. I hope you enjoy reading about our uniquely positioned and distinctively unequaled school.




What follows is drawn from a TEDx talk by Psychology Professor, John Shaw, of Lafayette College.


I’ve always been uncomfortable with labels even as I understand that it is difficult to avoid them. For me, it was a matter of seeing the inaccuracy of boxing a person in. Professor Shaw’s talk gives sound arguments, based on research, to steer clear of labels.



The purpose of labels, as Shaw notes, is to solve for y where y is the essence of a person. It is a work-around the time and effort it takes to really find out what someone is like. He rightly asserts that labels are “powerful, automatic, and resistant to change.” Professor Shaw’s words immediately made me think of the large body of research pointing to the fact that a teacher’s expectations of a student often determine the academic achievement of that student, for good or bad. On what are these expectations based? Why labels, of course.


One might say that a student is good at English, or bad at English; has a high TOEFL score or a low TOEFL score; likes to read or doesn’t like to read. These characterizations—read labels—may seem to be harmless enough. After all, aren’t we just giving information? Are we just stating a fact? Well, no, exactly.



Logically speaking, how informative are these statements really? In saying that a student is good at English, for example, what does that say about the student’s ability to read, write, understand, and speak English? Even within those four categories, the topic is broken down in a large number of sub-topics. Similarly, how descriptive is it to think of a student as someone with a high TOEFL score? What does that tell you about the student and what constitutes “high” anyway? Finally, it is highly unlikely, I submit, that someone does not like to read at all. At the very least, one could modify that statement with a description of the genre and by adding the adverb yet.


As Professor Shaw says, when we use labels 1) We become lazy perceivers; 2) We over simplify; and 3) We succumb to prejudice and discrimination. What’s more, once a label is said, it takes a great deal of effort to look beyond the label to actually glimpse at what is the complexity of each person. In addition to being inaccurate, labels lead to the following unfortunate outcomes: self-fulfilling prophesy; stereotype threat; decrease in self-esteem; shame, guilt and fear, for example.

正如肖教授所說,當我們使用標簽時,1)我們變成了懶惰的感知者;2) 我們把復雜事物簡單化了;3)我們屈服于偏見和歧視。更重要的是,一旦一個標簽被提及,它需要花費大量的努力去超越標簽才能真正了解每個人的復雜性豐富性。除了不準確之外,標簽還會導致以下不幸的結果,例如:自我實現(xiàn)的預言;刻板印象威脅;自尊下降;羞恥、內疚和恐懼等等。

So, the next time you might be tempted to categorize a student; to label a student as this or that, just don’t do it.




There’s a saying that I like: “Anything that is important to say is worth repeating.”


Well, we all know the importance of having a healthy lifestyle and being fit. See from these pictures how our students practiced fitness.



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