全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 深圳瑞得福學校 編輯:佚名
Dear RDFIS Students and Parents,
According to a message from the Guangdong Provincial People’s government received on February 7, 2020 about epidemic prevention and control measures, Guangdong province schools may NOT open before the end of February to protect the health and safety of all students and employees.
In compliance with this Government notice, RDFIS campus classes are now postponed until March 2. Students will return to campus on March 1, 2020 (unless a new date is determined by the government).
During the school closure, teachers will facilitate remote learning for their classes. This will take place over electronic platforms such as Edmodo, PowerSchool, email, and WeChat. Please plan for online school to carry on for three weeks, as follows:
? February二月 10–14 日
? February 二月17–21日
? February二月 24–28日
Students can learn from anywhere in the world. However, please plan to return to RDFIS campus no later than March 1, 2020, as we expect on-campus teaching to resume on March 2, 2020 (unless further notice is given sooner).
Please review “RDFIS Online School Guidelines” (attached at the end of this letter).
If you or your child have any changes in your health status in relation to the Coronavirus please refer this directly to Mr. Louie Li via WeChat or email (louie.l@rdfis.com).
同時,如果您或您的孩子有任何類似感染新型冠狀病毒的癥狀,也請通過或電子郵件(louie.l@rdfis.com)直接將相關情況告知給李校長Louie Li先生或班主任老師。
On behalf of the RDFIS Board, Administration, and faculty, we thank you for your support.
Thank you!
—Leland M. Anderson
Principal, RDF International School
瑞得福國際學校 校長
Updated February 8, 2020
Following are important guidelines about RDFIS Online School in Question and Answer format. These guidelines are subject to change and may be updated and re-circulated.
Q: Who is required to participate in the online school?
A: The following individuals are required to participate in online school: Foreign and Chinese teachers, and ALL students in Grades 7–12. Online assignments are marked as part of Q3.
Q: What are the basic requirements for students?
A: Students will receive assignments for fifteen online learning days: February 10–14, 17–21, 24–28. Each teacher will provide five assignments each week. The assignments will be communicated via Edmodo, PowerSchool, email, or WeChat. Students should complete the assignments according to the due dates given by teachers.
答:學生將接受為期十五天的在線學習:2月, 10–14日,17–21日,24–28日。屆時,任課老師將在線指導學生按原定課程計劃進行學習,并布置相應課程的作業。作業將通過Edmodo、PowerSchool、電子郵件或等網絡平臺完成。學生應在老師給定的日期前完成課程作業。
Q: What platforms will be used?
A: Teachers will use Edmodo, PowerSchool, WeChat, email, or other platforms such as Quizlet and Kahoot. All teachers will be available daily to respond to student questions by email or WeChat. A WeChat group is available for each course to facilitate assignment distribution and meaningful communication such as serious discussions or questions and answers. Common chit-chat should be reserved for other groups. Teachers and students may use the group during normal class hours, but are not expected to respond to posts outside of regular working hours. QR codes for these course groups are being circulated separately. Students are invited to (1) join these groups, (2) change their alias in the group to their full English name since most foreign teachers cannot read Chinese characters, (3) write in English only in the group, and (4) use a portrait style photo for their profile picture for the duration of the online class.
Q: What content will be taught?
A: The content of instruction will continue as previously planned, when possible. However, because some students may not have the textbooks with them, teachers will either (1) include photos or digital versions of the textbook, OR (2) use content other than the textbook.
Q: What file formats will be used?
A: Teachers will use common file formats, such as PDF, videos, photos, mp3s, and links to websites. Online quizzes, Edmodo submissions, and email submission of assignments may also be used. A list of faculty email addresses is attached at the end of this letter. Students and parents are welcome to email teachers directly.
Q: Are meetings required?
A: Because internet connections will vary in quality and some students and teachers will be in various time-zones, online meetings are NOT required. Rather, teachers will post readings, instructions, videos, or recorded lectures before class each day. Written assignments will be descriptive so that students can succeed without online meetings.
Q: Will teachers be teaching from RDFIS campus, and may I return to campus early?
A: Teachers will teach from home, not campus. Consistent with Government instructions, regular on-campus classes or activities will not resume until March 2. Students may NOT attend classes on campus before March 2. We will communicate with you regarding any changes to the school open date when we obtain more information.
Q: What if my teacher posts assignments before February 10?
A: Teachers may begin posting assignments before February 10. In general, teachers will post one assignment each day during the regular class time.
Q: When should I focus on each class?
A: As a matter of suggestion, but not requirement, students should focus on their classes during the regular timetable: