蘇州伊頓外籍人員子女學校Murray Fowler 執行校長師資介紹
作為學校的執行校長,Mr. Fowler管理著包括IB學部、Middleton國際部、以及日本幼兒園在內的整個校區教學及運營工作。自加入蘇州伊頓外籍人員子女學校以來,他曾先后擔任MYP教學主任及副校長職務,深入了解學校與所在社區,擅長從多維度對學校進行運營管理。 作為一名教育領域的長期領導者與實踐者,擁有超30年教齡的他曾在英國較著名的IB寄宿制公學先后擔任部門主管、寄宿導師、CAS主管、MYP及DP副主任等職務,并在2011年作為創校副校長,帶領團隊創立了這所英國學校在中國的首間海外分校,并后續接任校長職務。在他的任期內,學生人數增長至三倍,學校也迅速在競爭激烈地國際學校市場中奪得頭把交椅。在2018年加入蘇州伊頓前, Fowler校長曾受邀于一所中加政府合辦國際學校任職2年, 并以此為契機更加深入了解到中國本土的核心教育理念。 他本人持有英國地理學學士,教育學碩士以及英文教師,在伊頓IB學部教授MYP英文及DP地理課程。他決心在學校、學生及家長們的共同努力下將蘇州伊頓外籍人員子女學校打造成為較好的國際校,并確保所有學生都能在這里得到蓬勃的發展。 Mr. Fowler is our Executive Principal, overseeing the IB, Middleton and Japanese Kindergarten divisions within the school. He knows the school and the community very well, and has seen the school operate from a variety of angles, having spent time as both Vice Principal and MYP Coordinator since coming to EtonHouse. With almost three decades in leadership roles, his initial experience came in a long spell at one of the UK’s most academically successful and forward-looking IB boarding schools. He led teams as Head of Department, Boarding Housemaster, Head of Year, CAS Coordinator and Deputy Director of IB MYP & DP programmes, helping to secure authorization for both programmes. In 2011 he came to China to help lead the opening of his UK school’s first international branch, in Tianjin, first as Vice Principal, then as Principal. Student numbers tripled in his time there, and the school quickly established itself as the number one international school in a very competitive market. In order to learn more about the core aspects of Chinese education, Mr. Fowler then spent two years as Head Teacher in a Chinese - Canadian partnership school in Guizhou, before coming to Suzhou in 2018. With a Bachelor’s degree in Geography, post-graduate teaching qualification and TEFL training, he has taught both Individuals & Societies as well as English to MYP students here at EtonHouse, and continues to be involved in the classroom as a teacher of DP Geography. He is determined - with the help of staff, students and parents - to make EtonHouse the very best school that it can be, and to ensure that all members of the community flourish and thrive in their time here.